Published May 15, 2024

Meet iPaaS: Empowering teams for integration success



3 key takeaways

  • Integrate your tech stack to access key data and make better business decisions.
  • Celigo’s iPaaS empowers both IT and business teams to build integrations.
  • Create streamlined, scalable operations with Celigo.

You have a gold mine of data in your systems, but silos prevent you from accessing it. Without this data, business decisions become a guessing game or, worse, based on inaccuracies. 

Freeing your data is essential for future growth. When your systems are integrated, all teams can access this data–enabling quicker responses to market changes.

The problem is integrating your systems can be difficult, especially if you have to rely solely on your IT teams to build and manage integrations. In fact, 89% of organizations say they have an integration backlog

So, how do you empower both your IT and business teams to drive integration and automation efforts? That’s where Celigo’s iPaaS (Integration Platform as a Service) comes in. 

Let’s dive into what an iPaaS is, key features of Celigo’s iPaaS, common use cases, and the benefits of choosing Celigo as your integration solution. 

What is an iPaaS?

Gartner defines iPaaS as “a suite of cloud services enabling development, execution, and governance of integration flows connecting any combination of on premises and cloud-based processes, services, applications, and data.” Traditional iPaaS solutions typically require technical resources to build and manage integrations. 

An advanced iPaaS, like Celigo, goes further to enable business users to build, manage, and monitor their own integrations. This prevents bottlenecks and allows the entire team to drive innovation. 


Learn what makes Celigo’s iPaaS unique. 

Key features

Celigo provides a single, AI-enabled platform for integration and business process automation. It has a variety of features that can help both IT and business teams drive transformation at scale. 

With a library of prebuilt connectors embedded with business logic and an intuitive low-code user interface, non-technical users can quickly set up new integrations, while IT teams can ensure compliance and data security. Developers can also leverage the platform’s robust capabilities to create and manage complex flows. 

AI is at the heart of Celigo’s iPaaS, and one of the biggest components of that is error management. Error management can be a frustrating and time consuming process, so we built an error management tool that automatically resolves 95% of errors

By embedding AI into our platform, we also created an intuitive development partner that bridges the knowledge gap between technical and non-technical users. This helps increase collaboration and ensure smooth handoffs. 

Real-world success stories

Celigo’s iPaaS has a wide range of capabilities and can be used to address a variety of business use cases. 

Celigo customer Titan Brands leveraged iPaaS to integrate multiple online marketplaces, their enterprise resource planning (ERP) system, supply chain applications, payroll systems, marketing hub, and data warehouse. This allowed them to easily manage 10x growth over five years without worrying about operational breakdowns.  

Similarly, WeTransfer used Celigo to integrate their ERP, customer relationship management (CRM), fulfillment, data warehouse, and project management systems. By doing so, the team was able to automate their entire quote-to-cash process, accelerate time to close, and reduce manual tasks. 

The benefits of an advanced iPaaS

There are many benefits of connecting your tech stack with Celigo’s iPaaS. Not only will you improve data quality and consistency, your teams will become more agile and able to adapt to changes in the market. You can also ensure unified best practices and scalability to meet the needs of your business today and in the future.

Here are some other advantages you could see by integrating your tech stack:

  • Streamlined operations
  • Improved collaboration
  • Increased productivity
  • Lowered costs
  • Reduced time and resources spent on manual tasks
  • Improved efficiency
  • Better customer experiences

Taking the first step

Implementing an iPaaS is the first step towards a more efficient and resilient business. Connect with an integration expert today to start building your integration roadmap. 

To dive deeper into the different integration solutions available and how Celigo stacks up, check out our blog, “Build resilient operations with scalable integration.